Instagram is the best place to get connected with the cannabis industry.
From growers (both compliant and non) to trimmers to distributors to edible makers to concentrate makers to bud tenders to glass artists to reviewers to smokers, all can be found on Instagram.
There are many, many, many entertaining personalities out there promoting their brand very well.
I thought I would spotlight a few Instagram Weed Influencers that I have been enjoying.
Disclaimer: This list is very subjective and is in no particular order.
GotBars aka El Cheapo
Known for the infamous Got Bars OG and Runtzing the price up. Got Bars did big tings in 2019.
Whether in a banana suit at booth or breaking into your house to surprise cook some food, GotBars is always entertaining.
I am still trying to find his weed……

Gettinghighwith Adam ill
Adam is always posting pics of him and snoop dog, russ or some big cannabis instagram influencer smoking leaving you saying damn I wish I was seshing with them…
You might also know Adam from the LA Kush’s Ill OG label. A strain on my list of flowers I need to review.
He is just as entertaining as the ill og art work rendition of him, engaging the community directly having live stream smoke sessions letting different followers video chat and smoke with him while the rest of the live stream audience watches.

Hey when was the last time you smoked a blunt in walmart with a random, or a joint in wendys with a random or just bonged out with a random you walked up to and said lets get high.
Fat Derrick does it all day everyday.
I thought I gave Zerofux but most days you will not find me getting lit in a Wendys but you will find Derrick.
I dont even think he is on the west coast…..
#zerofux award.

We all do it. Find nooks and crannies to smoke pot unless you are FatDerrick… Or if we are lucky enough to be in Colorado, walk down the middle of the street smoking it legally.
smokingpotspots is my Favorite crowd-sourced Instagram.
People submit photo of a joint being smoked at a cool spot/location.
My submission is in the top left corner, in Miami on the Balcony at the W. Submit your pic today.

What Started as Tits&Tokes has evolved into avant-garde art.
A fun and happy spirit exploring the world of cannabis in Southern California and she is sharing her experiences with the world.
From Sesh’s to Cannabis Cafes she is documenting it all.

What do you do when your competition is hella cool and shows you mad love? You show mad love back.
Bearded Pharaoh is my favorite reviewer on IG. And it’s not because of his Scottish accent….but it helps.
He provides very in depth in person video reviews discussing each strain in detail, smoking it while telling you all about it.
The strains he gets are amazing, especially being from the other side of the pond.

Corrine is a boundary pusher and a strong powerful women.
She does a great job of creating amazing very unique art while promoting cannabis.
I believe she also involved in a sesh or two in SoCal.

Are you following me on Instagram? The wide screen videos look so clean on your phone!

Who is your favorite IG Influencer? Leave a comment below.