Elephants 41 by Elephants Growth Strain Review

Elephants 41 Weed Strain by Elephants Growth

The Strain Elephants 41

Next up is probably one of the most special reviews I have ever done, Elephants 41 by Elephants Growth. The waves they have been making with their OG are next level, getting 18k a unit. 

Elephants Growth Elephants 41


 I believe Elephants 41 is the Growth’s LCG cutt. However, I could be wrong. 

Elephants Growth Elephants 41


 You can see the quality of these fluffy, lightweight flowers with the naked eye. Immaculate resinous trichome crystals cover what appear to be the snow-kissed light green colas. The orange hairs are thin and stringy. Looking closer, you can find deep purple hues covering the buds. 

Elephants Growth Weed Strain


 The nose is a soft, inviting, perfectly balanced mix of the most inviting scents you have ever smelled in your life. The nose is so interesting; while soft and delicate, it’s also very pronounced. Musky, funky, tropical pineapple, and sweet cherry notes best describe the nose.

Elephants Growth OG

The Inhale & The Exhale

 The inhale consists of the smoothest creamy notes you have ever tasted, complemented by tropical musky notes. In contrast, the exhale is an expansive funky tropical flavor profile with lingering musky notes. 

Elephants Growth Elephants 41

The Smoking Experience

 When I think of a smoothing smoking experience, I think of the Silky series by Mount Burnin. The strain I am reviewing today takes smoothness to the next level. By smelling the flowers, you know they will be smooth smoking with some hidden expansion. 

zerofux weed review

The High

 The immaculately clean head high is immediate a few seconds after the exhale. The flowers also have a fantastic body high that creeps in a few minutes into the stone. These are all-day, everyday flowers. 

Elephants Growth Elephants 41

So was Elephants 41 worth the money, and would I repurchase it?

 After being lucky enough to experience these flowers, I understand why they are in such high demand. Yes, and Yes. These flowers are some of the best I have ever smoked. If given a chance, I would jump on the opportunity to buy Elephants Growth.


Where can you find Elephants 41 by Elephants Growth?

 I have no idea where you can find the rare exotic flowers from Elephants Growth. 

When I didn’t think I needed any more friends in my life, I couldn’t have been more wrong. Taking the time to meet and hang out with so many people who share the same interests in cannabis as I have been a fantastic experience. These flowers were a gift from one of those friends. #grateful

zerofux the cannabis connoisseur


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