Bubblegum Popperz by Superdope, HiTech and Fear of Boof

Bubblegum Popperz by SUPERDOPE

The Bubblegum Popperz Strain

 Next for review is the third installment of the Popperz Series, Bubblegum Popperz by Superdope, HiTech, and Fear of Boof. I have seen this strain and bag art all over Instagram for a while, so I am excited to review it and share my experience. 


I consider myself very lucky to be in a position to try so many different strains. There are a few. However, that really stands out for me. One of which is Elephants 41. I feel that this cultivar is very similar. 

Now keep in mind that the thing that makes Elephants 41 unique is not only the strain but also the amount of care and attention the flowers receive. It is mind-blowing to see HiTech replicate this on a commercial scale. 


The colas in my bag are large fluffy pristine buds. The flowers are light, bright green with long dark orange hairs and some dark green highlights. You can tell from the first glance that these flowers were grown, flush, cured, and trimmed with tender love and care.


The nose is a mix of bright, sweet pink bubblegum notes and delicate floral notes. The nose is an inviting celebration of pink bubblegum, the type of nose that gets you nostalgic for childhood memories.

The Inhale & The Exhale

The inhale consists of gentle musky notes and dominant sweet bubblegum notes complimented by delicate floral notes. In contrast, we see earthy-sweet bubblegum notes, with lingering bubblegum notes for days on the exhale.

The Smoking Experience

The pristine clean smoking experience doesn’t disappoint, with a bursting all-natural flavor profile and a clean white ash burn. I have been enjoying these flowers in both a bong and joint.

The High

There is so much to love about this strain. Notwithstanding, one of the things I enjoy most about this strain is the high. I am always in search of the perfect headspace and high. I found that perfect headspace fifteen years ago with a strain dubbed Super Duper Silver Haze (really a bubblegum strain) that I used to score from PCC in Berkeley.

Bubblegum Popperz by Superdope shares many characteristics of this long-gone strain that I still fantasize about today, including that perfect headspace and high. I would describe it as a functional yet sedative high, mainly a head high with some body high. These flowers are perfect for enjoying on a Friday night after a long week or celebrating a special occasion with these exclusive and unique flowers.

So was Bubblegum Popperz worth the money, and would I repurchase it?

Yes, and Yes. Elephants 41 sells for 20k a unit and is no longer being grown. Being able to try the same flavor profile and level of quality for a significant fraction of the original cost, you cannot go wrong if you are lucky enough to find it. 

Where can you find Bubblegum Popperz by Superdope?

I am sorry to say, but it will most likely be challenging to find Bubblegum Popperz by Superdope. Within the first day of it hitting stores, it sold out. Keep your eyes peeled, though. I heard there are some fire batches soon to be released. 


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