Frosted Gelato by the Jungle Boys
 The Jungle Boys continue to create new strains like mad scientists, crossing, and back-crossing all their previous creations. I am excited to review Frosted Gelato, which is a back-cross of gelato 45.
Frosted Gelato Genetics
Frosted Gelato is the cross of Gelato 45 and Mike Larry. Mike Larry is the cross of Larry OG and Gelato 45. Thank you, Jungle Boys, for not making your genetics a mystery, making it easier for consumers to purchase the genetics variants they prefer.

Both parents make an appearance in the aroma. I find the nose of Frosted Gelato to be a complex mix of sweet floral notes with delicate, sharp piney herbal, peppery notes that complement it.

The flowers are a balanced mix of light green and deep purple hues covered in trichomes crystals with a few orange hairs. I found the Frosted Gelato buds to be very fresh, not too dense, and were on the bigger side as I only had three buds in my bag.

The Inhale and The Exhale
The inhale of Frosted Gelato comprises of smooth herbal pine notes with very delicate pepper notes showing more of Larry OG, while the exhale consists of sweet, creamy berry notes with a lingering delicate lavender muskiness.

The Smoking Experience
In the past, every Jungle Boys’ Harvest was fire. As they got bigger, the consistent quality has fallen off. Nonetheless, I do find the flowers I purchase there to be very fresh and burn clean. I do not see any flowers PGR’d like street weed or hard, dense buds like Cookies.

The High
I have always found the high of almost all the Jungle Boy’s strains to be very clean, almost to the point where I have more mental clarity when smoking them. I feel that I am not as forgetful and drowsy.

So was Frosted Gelato by the Jungle Boys worth the money, and would I repurchase it?
Yes, and maybe. I definitely had a good experience with this strain. Nevertheless, when recently going back to TLC within a few days of my original purchase to buy more of a strain I enjoy, I found that I was smoking a completely different batch that was nowhere as good as the initial batch.

Where can Frosted Gelato by the Jungle Boys be found?
Jungle Boys Flowers and Concentrates can be found at their two locations, TLC and Los Angeles Farmers (AHPS). Also worth noting, recently Downtown Patients Group (DTPG) in Los Angeles also started selling Jungle Boys flowers.

THC: 26.09%
CBD: 0.06%