Northern Lights Haze by Mount Burnin

Northern Lights Haze  Next up for review is an extraordinarily special strain that is impossible to find, Northern Lights Haze by Mount Burnin. The other day I was lucky enough to meet the elusive Mount Burnin, #brucewaynevibes. He is incredibly cool and very down-to-earth. His passion for cannabis is apparent Continue Reading

Dirty Silky by MountBurnin415

Dirty Silky  Next up for review is Dirty Silky by MountBurnin415. I have been enjoying the MountBurnin flowers and find their branding of silky to be spot on as the strains I have tried have been incredibly smooth. Genetics  The genetics of this strain are unknown. However, I believe it Continue Reading

Platinum Haupia by MountBurnin415 and ShoppingCarts415

The Platinum Haupia Strain  Next up for review, keeping the Mount Burnin 415 theme, is the Platinum Haupia Strain. This strain is a collaboration between MountBurnin415 and Shopping Carts 415.  Genetics   The genetics of Haupina are Gelato 41 and Sunset Sherbert. I am not sure how Platinum affects the genetics Continue Reading

Silky Wonka’s Silky Gelato by MountBurnin415 Strain Review

Silky Gelato  Next up is the strain by Silky Gelato by Silky Wonka and MountBurnin415. There is so much Silkiness on the interwebs I am excited to get some first-hand experience with it.   Genetics Truth be told, all the Silk confuses me slightly. I believe the strain Silky Gelato by Continue Reading