Sour Diesel by Tyson Ranch Strain Review

Society has always had amazing counter cultures. When my dad was young he attended Ken Kesey’s Acid Test Parties in San Francisco in the late 1960s. While I was lucky enough to attend the original rave parties all over the bay area in the 1990s before they took a commercial festival turn.

In between those counter cultures on the timeline of life was a counter culture that existed around the Grateful Dead, their concerts and the parties that would follow them usually in the parking lots of their concerts. The parking lot of a greatful dead concert was a mad house party of a wide assortment of ganja edibles before they were accessible, the cleanest best LSD in the world, mushroom goo balls and all other sorts of trouble.

It was at one of these concerts that Chemdawg got his hands on maybe some of the best flowers of that time. He had paid five hundred dollars for an ounce named Dog Bud. Chemdawg ended up copping more flowers from this grower Pbud and in those packs found 13 seeds.

It was those seeds that created a foundation for so many flowers that I have come to love today such as Chem91 and Sour Diesel.

There is quite a lineage behind Sour Diesel. Chem took his Chem91 and crossed it with Super Skunk to create Cock Diesel. He then created DNL by crossing Cock Diesel and Northern Lights. From there he crossed Cock Diesel and DNL to create Sour Diesel.

So that takes me to the flowering tops I have am reviewing today, Tyson Ranch’s Sour Diesel. Tyson Ranch is Mike Tyson’s branding and marketing powerhouse. I have previously reviewed his stain The Toad on this blog. I enjoyed it greatly and have linked the review below.

The flowers have a very much sativa appearance. The bud are a mix of light green and a dark green hues, a little leafy and have a healthy heap of hairs.

The aroma of this batch of Sour Diesel was a little off as it had earthy herbal notes with very little dieselly gassy notes. I prefer my Sour D to have dominant Diesel notes all the way through.

I found the dieselly gas notes I was looking for in the inhale. The gas notes were complemented by gentle peppery woody herbal earthy notes.

The dieselly gassy notes were lost in the exhale and instead the exhale took a herbal earthy direction complemented by delicate floral notes.

The leafy buds lead to a somewhat harsher smoke relative to the smoother smoking strains on the market currently.

I have said many times on this blog how much I enjoy Sour Diesel. There is no question that I love the gassy goodness but it also the clean cerebral high that allows for you also to stay somewhat grounded. A great strain for ADHD, anxiety, and a stressful life.

So was it worth the money and would I buy it again? I am a fan of Tyson Ranch and seriously enjoyed their strain The Toad, but found a lot of gassy foundation I look for in a Sour Diesel missing and would pass on Tyson Ranch’s Sour Diesel as I don’t believe it to be a good cut.

Where can it be found? Tyson Ranch strains can be found all over NorCal and SoCal pretty readily at dispensaries and delivery serives.

THC: 26.27%
CBD: 0.0%

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