Lemon Tree Gift Box Loot Review and Video

Lemon Tree recently mailed me out a care package and I wanted to share the contents with all of you. Thank you Lemon Tree! Included in the box was their CBD products line, a Vape Cartridge that tastes exactly like the flowers, CBD Tincture, which they call Sublingual Drops, both Continue Reading

Lemon Cherry Gelato by Cannatique 2.0

In a recent post, I discussed the desire to reshoot and re-review some strains that I feel deserved a higher caliber of video and review. If you ever tried Cannatique’s Lemon Cherry Gelato you might just think I was making up this excuse to smoke more of it. Not to Continue Reading

Miyagi-Do by Ball Family Farms

I have said before and I will say it again. A good budtender makes all the difference between a good and bad experience at any dispensary or pot club. The budtender needs to be good at reading people, good at getting a lot of information from a few key questions Continue Reading