6ixth Sense Sherb BX1 #6 Red Vines Pheno

6ixth Sense Sherb BX1 #6 Red Vines Pheno  Next for review is 6ixth Sense Sherb BX1 #6 Red Vines Pheno by Fig Farms. I have reviewed Fig Farms on the blog a few times and am excited to see them depart from their traditional fruit-forward strain variants for the more Continue Reading

Blue Face by Fig Farms Strain Review

Fig Farms Background  If you have been following the blog for a bit, you have seen I have reviewed quite a few strains by Fig Farms. One thing I have found, Fig Farms generally tend to grow fruit terp-oriented strains. However, the genetics of the strain I am reviewing today, Continue Reading

Holy Moly by Fig Farms, an in-depth cannabis strain review

Stoner Story  It used to be easy to overlook the little things in life that create normalcy and bring joy. In contrast, today, so many months into the pandemic, that normalcy is all we crave.  I would love to walk the streets without a mask, or have a pleasant conversation Continue Reading