Carrots by The Smokers Club

carrots by the smokers club

The Carrots Strain

 Carrots is a unique name for a weed strain, and in the beginning, it was hard for me to see the inspiration. Still, as I dig deeper into the flowers, I find the clarified Gelato 41 cutt pays suitable homage to the orange vegetable we are so familiar with. 

The Carrots Weed Strain by The Smokers Club


The genetics of this strain by The Smokers Club is not public knowledge, but I believe it to be an LCG cutt and one that will go toe to toe with some of the best on the market right now, such as Silky Gelato and Cherry Popperz by Superdope. 

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Bright orange and a mix of bright light and deep dark greens make up the hues you see in the bud, coming from the long hairs and foilage. The colas in my bag were large and fluffy, the density I look for in well-cured flowers. 

weed zerofux


Sweet, tangy, fruity notes with delicate citrus lemon and dark cherry notes make up the complex nose. An intricate melody of sweet and tangy aromas leaves room for a sweet orange veggie interpretation. 

The Carrots Weed Strain by The Smokers Club

The Inhale & The Exhale

The inhale is a flavorful mix of thick creamy herbal notes complemented by delicate pepper notes. In contrast, sweet earthy notes make up the exhale.

The Carrots Weed Strain by The Smokers Club

The Smoking Experience

The smooth, clean-burning flowers are reminiscent of an Elephant’s strain with a nose that translates close to perfect into a flavor profile. The flowers burn clean, indicating they take the time to flush the right way and an excellent slow cure.

cannibis zerofux

The High

Carrots by The Smokers Club packs a punch with a nice mix of body and head high yet still functional as you would expect with a top-shelf LCG cutt. The stone is perfect for hanging with friends at a bar, enjoying before eating your favorite meal, or listening to your favorite hip-hop.

The Carrots Weed Strain by The Smokers Club

So was Carrots by The Smokers Club worth the money, and would I repurchase it?

Yes, and Yes. I have been very impressed by my experience with both Cronuts and Carrots by The Smokers Club, and I would recommend them as Top Shelf Zaza well worthy of sampling and smoking on the regular. 

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Where can you find Carrots by The Smokers Club?

Teds Budz distributes the Smokers Club, which means you will be able to find their products at the usual suspects. Big box retailers like Cookies, Lemonade, and Dr. Greenthumb will have them in stock, and some more boutique resellers like Emberz.

The Carrots Weed Strain by The Smokers Club

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